James: I had a meeting with the Registrar at work to discuss locations. I was working in a university at the time so it was ideal for locations. There were obviously classrooms, office spaces & toilets for various scenes. Another bonus was that actors could stay in halls with en suite bathrooms and stuff. Although it wasn't cheap, it was all quite neatly arranged.
Gabby: We were still at this point short of the main location, which was a house/flat for the main characters. The general trend went as followed; I would express my worry about finding this location, that I thought it was crucial to the whole way in which would would shoot these scenes. James would agree. We talked about it some more. We both did no much about it.
James: It would be fair to say that our producing was taking up more time here than the directing, and Gab would later argue that we didn't spend enough time on preparing the style and look of the piece.
Gabby: Yeah, I argued that then and still do now, however it naturally became a priority to focus on the tasks that would physically get the film made, after all there was no point in talking about the style of a film, if there was nothing or no where to shoot.