Friday, May 27, 2005


James: Tom Lane and I had driven down to Slough the night before as we had to collect kit really early. He was a star. It's a sad state of affairs that if you want to hire any kit in the UK at an affordable price you have to go to London. Everything stems out of there.

The biggest drama is when I realise I don't have any proof of identity. I was so stressed with all that was going on I had left it in Worcester. I had to get Phil Morris out of his bath in the morning to get him over to my flat just to fax a Council Tax bill and a Water Rate statement. It's moments like this that you really need friends!

Added to this excitement is that none of the camera filters have been placed in the order, so I had an irate Gabby on the phone barking at me to sort some out. I had that classic moment where I gave them my credit card and just prayed the money would go through, and fortunately it did!

Gabby: Meanwhile back in Worcester after work I go back to the flat and am secretly praying for a miracle - that the chest had dissappeared over night. Shit! It was still there. Plan B, I started praying that Will, the friend whose family kindly lent us the flat, would say that we could take an axe to it. That phone call never came. So I did what every other orgainsed, pro-active person would have done. I ignored the chest and carried on cleaning the flat from top to toe.

James pops by about 11.00pm, its late, we are both exhausted and we haven't even started yet.