James: The crew is just myself, Gabs and Larry for the old people’s home section. Carl Edmed and I had sought the location earlier in the week one day after filming. It was too small for much more crew to fit. Speaking for myself, I felt these scenes went down the easiest of everything we shot. Phyliss and Selina really caught the tone between Ann and Nan very well, and I thought they added a dark humour to an obviously tragic relationship.

James: It ends up being a half-day, so we take Phyllis and Selina for lunch in Keystones. It felt great to be over the bulk of the filming, and we say goodbye to our Ann and Nan for the last time. The crew get a Friday night to relax, Gab and I try to work out whether we’ll have any school children tomorrow and wonder where we are going to get a character to play Sean’s mum Mary. How prepared we are?!