Monday, June 06, 2005
James: Jen’s exterior scenes go down relatively easily. We are incredibly pleased with the public toilet sequence and get really excited that we have a film on our hands. I’m relieved that in the space of 7 days and two half days we have made this all happen.
Gabby: That day we were really on the home straight but utter exhaustion had kicked in the trawling from one location to another grabbing shots. This takes up the very last of our energy. We shoot the last bit in the street at night, which was just an additional scene that I suggested we film in case the end seems all too abrupt. We are down to James, Larry, Jen and myself. We call a wrap but it’s all a bit surreal. In this moment it all feels more like a trauma than an achievement.
James: It feels strange to be packing up equipment and getting the house back in order. People go home for sleep; Jen moves out of the halls and comes to stay at mine for a few days. Gab stays over. We’ve spent all this time together but don’t want to let go. We manage to go out for a couple of drinks but everyone is too tired to really party.
Later that night, my bankcard fails at the cash-point. We made it through the movie.