Sunday, June 05, 2005


Gabby: We squeezed in the re-shoot first thing, then went on to shoot the throwing up scene in the toilet using a concoction of cold soups…poor Jen.

James: The major scene for the Sunday was in the classroom. The University drama head David Broster agreed to play Mr Bennett and I felt he did a great job. I absolutely hated school with a passion so it was fun to send it up with this archetypal teacher. The pupils really enjoyed the experience and so did the crew. Logistically, this was the most difficult day to plan, but it came off quite well.

Gabby: Yeah this scene was really fun to do. Tom was fantastic as he pretty much dealt with the kids, we put the boom on the camera so I was free to roam. This was when the crew and cast was at its biggest with a total of about 25.

James: Olivia and Zak get to go home. By this stage we have really smashed the arse of the script and remained on schedule so the morale is sky high. There is only one more day to go, and it is all exteriors with Jen, so we should be okay.