James: In order to drop my sister of with my mother, I’ve travelled down to London on the last train on Friday night and travelled up on the first one Saturday morning. This mad dash is completely pointless as Gab doesn’t turn up at my flat until 1630, all teary eyed and hungover. I really want to throttle her at this stage, as after a week of great momentum, she undoes it all and fundamentally disrespects my time. I leave the country in two weeks, have a flat to move, a house to find, a job to leave, a course to start, a loan in euros to borrow, debts in sterling to repay and this film feels quite simply like a millstone round my neck. I think of what the money would’ve bought right now…
I leave Gab to edit away whilst I head out with my friend Tallulah.
Gabby: Tallulah has been watching snippits of the film and seems to be engrossed in what’s going to happen. It is refreshing to hear a new person’s point of view at this stage because we are both tired and bored of the whole thing.