Monday, August 15, 2005

All is Lost (Nearly)

James: We come so close to finishing the first edit, but stop short of a few fiddly bits in the early hours of the morning. Gab heads home and we leave it saving. I have a quick bath and then noticed it has all disappeared! I’m in shock. The auto-save files are there but the media is all lost. We have a backup but they don’t have very large handles on the clips and the names don’t all match. I stay up till 7am reattaching clips until it roughly plays the same way. This is a laborious task. To this day I don’t know what happened. I had called our editor Gareth Spensley and he had calmed me down and I went about fixing it. It was all a blur.

Gabby: First I know about this is the day after when James tells me. I don’t think I appreciate just what an ordeal James has just gone through, after all the film doesn't lookany different. What a star though. I don't think I would have had the heart to do this!