Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Gabby: James and I have had our differences along the way- but considering a lot of the situations, not half as many as others would have had. Throughout the process of making Peppermint I think we have both learnt so much about ourselves and each other.

I suppose I can't speak for James, but for me, even after everything we have gone through, the huge highs and enormous lows, there was nothing that has happened that has made me think anything other than, I want to keep going, work harder, and improve as a film maker. James is an awkward b*gger at times but there are not many other people in my life that I can think of, that I trust as much, and artistically, have as much faith in. I start to look forward to working on Boy Who Collected Sound with both him, Larry and Spence, three fantastically creative, talented individuals.

James: I guess what I take from it is slightly despairing. You look at the start of the project and never think that it will take two years of your time and energy. Even now, I'm entering it for festivals and trying to get it seen. It is very hard.

But it is simultaneously rewarding. I can't stand those who have a privileged life complaining about it. We made a film with our disposable cash! I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the experience. And ultimately that is what life is about isn't it??? "The experience"!