Monday, April 11, 2005


Gabby: We wrote a brief synopsis of the film, and character breakdown, and I then posted ads in PCR, on Shootingpeople, Castnet, and Talent Circle.

It was nerve racking but really quiet exciting. James and myself had cast together on a number of times before. We were confident in our ability to make the right choices, but then our past projects had always been shorts. I am not sure that we quiet understood then just how hard this process was going to be.

James: We kept the descriptions pretty vague, as we didn't want to limit the search at this stage. I'd argue that whilst we got later got lots of replies, the variety still wasn't that exceptional. There are lots of actors with similar experience of The Bill & Family Affairs and tonnes of student films. You get stuck as to what makes a difference. I'd hate to admit it, but some got in because of their photo alone.